
Vocabulary - Work

Hello! Today I will write about - Vocabulary - The subject  is WORK.

So, let's go to the business.

CAREER - refers to the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes, e.g. a career in journalism. It can also refer to the period of your life that you spend working, e.g. He had a long career as a tennis player.

POST - (synonym position) is normally used when talking about having or applying for a specific job in a large organization.

PROFESSION - usually refers in a general sense to jobs that require special training or qualifications, e.g. the medical profession.

WAGES - the money paid weekly to do a job, whereas (Cambridge Dictionary) SALARY - the money that you are paid monthly or annually to do a job, especially professional employees.

BONUS - an extra amount of money that is added to your wages/salary as a reward, e.g. a productivity bonus.

PERKS - an advantage you get from a company or employer in addition to the money you earn, e.g. a company car. In formal English, e.g. in a job description, you can also use benefits as a synonym.

STAFF - all the workers employed in an organization considered as a group, e.g. Only company staff can use the canteen. It normally takes a plural verb.

EMPLOYEES - the workers seen as individuals. You may want to point out that employee can also be stressed, employee.

SKILLS - particular abilities required in a job, whereas QUALIFICATIONS usually refers to exams passed.

TRAINING - the process of learning the skills you need for a particular job.

HOURS - a fixed period of time during which people work, an office is open, etc., e.g. I work very long hours.

TIMETABLE - a plan of when things are supposed to happen (e.g. school timetable) or a bus/train is supposed to leave or arrive, e.g. There's a bus timetable on the wall.

That's it!! See you soon.


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