
What motivates you? Unit 1A

I spent a lot of time thinking about this subject. What motivates me?
It's easy to know what demotivates you. The nature of human being is to complain about everything and everybody. This natural behavior turns easier the task to make a list of demotivating things.

However, the purpose was to find what motivates me.

One simple sentence describes what motivates me.

"Do different things, know different people and cultures, know different places and so on..."

Everything based on these words - Different, other, diverse, varied...

I can't feel motivated doing the same thing every day, at the same place, with the same people. That it's not what I want.

On the other hand, be challenged to study something different, work with a different subject, with different people and culture at a different place, definitely, it's what motivates me.

Finally, I have the need to always keep my mind busy, learning something new. If I am in this status, you can be sure that I am motivated.

See You

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