
Vocabulary - 1A

I will introduce some new expressions that I learned in my English class.

Unit 1A - Subject - WORK. (I've already posted something about this subject yesterday).

IN A SENSE - In one way

COMFORT ZONE - (colloquial) the working or living enviroment in which we feel safe and unthreatened.

FILL sb IN ON - to tell somebody about what has happened.

CATCH UP - (with somebody) to reach the same level or standard as somebody who is better or more advanced.

KNOW YOUR OWN MIND  - to know what you want or like.

STICK TO YOUR GUNS - (informal) refuse to change your mind about something even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong.

GRTTING MY TEETH - be determined to continue to do something in a difficult or unpleasant situation.


  1. If I wasn't so scared of leaving my COMFORT zone, I'd change my job now.
  2. Could you please FILL me in on the meeting I missed last week?score
  3. She tried to argue against my proposal, but I stuck to my GUNS.score
  4. The best way to deal with a bad day at work is just to GRIT your teeth and get on with it.score
  5. After missing so many classes, he'll find it hard to CATCH up with the other students.score
  6. You need to know your own MIND to succeed in this job. There's no room for self-doubt.
See you soon!!

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