
Theo 8 months

FCE Certificate - Proud !!

I got my FCE Cambridge certificate today. I'm so proud. It was one of my best achievements of 2016. I've already started my studies to CAE. I might be able to take the exam in 2017. I will keep pushing hard!!

See you !!


Scholarship application - Last question.

Career Plan Question

Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country.  (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words) 
<<< MY ANSWER >>>
When I come back to Brazil after my studies I want to materialise all of the projects that I have designed during my time abroad. I believe that studying abroad in so high rated universities will expand my networking and I will be able to find a leadership position in a large multinational company. I want to apply all of my knowledge and skills to deliver a renewed focus that will drive changes, create values in the organisation, and optimise its global opportunities. As I will be working in a multinational company I will have the possibility to work with people from all over the world. I can use the practice with different cultures that I had in this time in the UK to build a flow of information trough the company and promoting high-performance and creative teams.
To pass ahead my knowledge and experience I want to teach people in projects inside of the company or teach students in universities. When I mention universities, I am considering non-profit organisations, a place where I can teach enthusiastic students that unfortunately don't have financial conditions to help the achievement of  their aims.
I wish to be part of a world leadership organisation because its one of the best ways to know what's happening around the world, change ideas, learn and teach a countless of people.
I believe that I can be extremely valuable helping the UK government in Brazil. There is a dozen of areas and activities that I can apply my efforts the develop a mutual work. As I could read, the UK government helps UK citizens and companies in Brazil as well as Brazilian citizens and companies that need help with some kind of process here or in the UK.
I consider that I can help the UK government in projects using my language skills. As I am fluent in English and Portuguese I can help doing translation activities in all projects that would be running. I want to be doing this contribution as a public-service work. It would be a way to retribute the UK for all the kindness that I received when I was there studying.
Finally,  I think that I  can develop some kind of internship for UK students in the company where I will be working. It will be a way to keep the bonds between our countries strong. In order to support even more this relation, I will be sure that the company that I will be working will be a sponsor of Chevening Brazil.
See you!!

Scholarship application - Question 3

Studying in the UK Question

Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.
*Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

<<< MY ANSWER >>>

I have been working with finance and business administration in leadership positions for the last fifteen years in large companies of Brazil. Even with my degree and my postgraduate studies, I feel that I need to have a different approach to world business. Even reading the news about business all over the world every day, I fell that I need a different experience to improve my knowledge, my career. I feel that improving my knowledge, I will be able to help my country and its society more than I am helping right now.
When I start to look for the courses, the first thing that I thought was how the courses would complete me and how I could apply everything that I will learn. How I would apply this knowledge in the companies in my country, helping them to achieve a better position of management.
I choose to study in the courses of Leadership and Strategy at London Business School, Management and Strategy at London school of Economics and Political Science, Economics and Strategy for Business at Imperial College London because they were the courses which best fits with my aims.
What I can identify right now is that our country has a lack of good strategic leaders that can drive changes at the companies, anticipating the market variations and be prepared to act with the best management tools.
We, in Brazil, are losing a lot of global opportunities because we don't have advanced professionals running strategic plans in the companies.
We, in Brazil, are facing an economic crisis. We are facing the impeachment of our President. News about corruption is printed in the newspapers every day. It will take a long time until we retake our past economic levels and a lot of work has to be done to achieve this goal. We have to build all over again.
This work has to be done by people, by great professionals in all areas, by leaders that can manage this process. I want to be part of this crew because I believe in people and I believe in my country and most importantly I believe that after my studies abroad I will be a better professional, more complete, with new ideas and point of views. I am sure that studying one of the courses which I choose, I will be a better gear in this transformation engine.

See you!!


Scholarship application - Question 2

Networking Question

Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.
 (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

<<< MY ANSWER >>> 

Who am I? And what are my skills which based my relationships?
I am a person who faces the obstacles with good mood because I believe that if I act like this, I  will be attracting and retaining people around me. This is one of the best ways to build a solid and high-performance networking. People need to see you as an affordable person, someone who will bring to them positivity and good energy to help the achievement of their goals.
Another skill that I care to keep in continuous development is the ability to listen. It is one of the main skills to build a strong networking. When someone has an idea or want to share something with you, they have to know that you are ready to listen. In this process, you will have the opportunity to help someone, to learn something and most importantly, to strengthen your relationships as well as enhance your networking.
I believe that it is important to take care your image as a professional likewise as a person. During my career, I always was worried about being a reference to my colleagues and mates. What I want is that they can see me as a model of rectitude, someone reliable. This is a strong ability that helped me build a great networking and keeps it improving, growing and in continuous development.
Finally but not least, I am a person who believes in people. I believe that everybody is capable of doing something. Everybody is capable of getting what they want. When you think as I think, the possibilities to help someone are endless, as well as the possibilities to influence someone in your networking. In every time  you need something, you will be sure to have someone at your side ready to help you. And this cycle will never end.
What I think about the future is to keep cultivating these skills, learn many others and more important, use them to allow me to be a bridge between people. I want to use these skills to build a knowledge networking, transferring what I learned to other people and learn the best as possible from them. I wish to maintain and improve my role as a knowledge multiplier.

See you!!


Scholarship application - Question 1

Leadership & Influence Question

Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.
(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

<<< MY ANSWER >>>

During my career, I had the chance to lead and influence plenty of people who worked with me. Young people as well as older people. I had the opportunity to teach or learn something with all of them. When I was a financial manager in 2000, the company where I worked for, was hiring someone for the cashier function. After the selection process, I chose one person who was in his 50's and most of my colleagues said that it was a mistake to choose him, he was considered old for the function. However, I taught him and after three years he was chief of his sector, and he thanked me for had given the opportunity to him. I saw someone who was wanted someone to bet on him. I bet, and I may say that I changed him as well as he changed me.
I believe that one of the most important skills that a leader should have is knowing how to listen what people have to say. This is also called humility. Sometimes the solution to one problem come from the most unbelievable person. When I worked for a company in 2009, I had two interns and I was the first manager of the company who included interns in the weekly meetings. Until that time, no one had done it. I believe that this is a great opportunity to them to have contact with the real business world. All of my interns thanked me for had given that experience to them. So, one day I was with a super problem to solve, and suddenly one of my interns came and asked to talk to me. I said, sure! It wasn't a surprise when he showed me the solution for the problem that I had. He told me that he only came to talk with me because I was the kind of leader who allows the team to explore new ideas and new perspectives, but most importantly, I always was open to receive these ideas no matter the level that the employee has in the company.
These are only two cases when I had the chance to influence someone and be seen as a leader. I have many others situations that I was capable of change and help people. I believe that most importantly beyond teach, influence or lead teams is always ready to learn something from them.

Theo 7 months

Theo at school.

Theo and the washing machine !!

Discourse markers (1): linkers - 1A

Discourse markers (1): linkers - 1A

Discourse markers (1): linkers - 1A

Discourse markers (1): linkers - 1A


What motivates you? Unit 1A

I spent a lot of time thinking about this subject. What motivates me?
It's easy to know what demotivates you. The nature of human being is to complain about everything and everybody. This natural behavior turns easier the task to make a list of demotivating things.

However, the purpose was to find what motivates me.

One simple sentence describes what motivates me.

"Do different things, know different people and cultures, know different places and so on..."

Everything based on these words - Different, other, diverse, varied...

I can't feel motivated doing the same thing every day, at the same place, with the same people. That it's not what I want.

On the other hand, be challenged to study something different, work with a different subject, with different people and culture at a different place, definitely, it's what motivates me.

Finally, I have the need to always keep my mind busy, learning something new. If I am in this status, you can be sure that I am motivated.

See You


Vocabulary - 1A

I will introduce some new expressions that I learned in my English class.

Unit 1A - Subject - WORK. (I've already posted something about this subject yesterday).

IN A SENSE - In one way

COMFORT ZONE - (colloquial) the working or living enviroment in which we feel safe and unthreatened.

FILL sb IN ON - to tell somebody about what has happened.

CATCH UP - (with somebody) to reach the same level or standard as somebody who is better or more advanced.

KNOW YOUR OWN MIND  - to know what you want or like.

STICK TO YOUR GUNS - (informal) refuse to change your mind about something even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong.

GRTTING MY TEETH - be determined to continue to do something in a difficult or unpleasant situation.


  1. If I wasn't so scared of leaving my COMFORT zone, I'd change my job now.
  2. Could you please FILL me in on the meeting I missed last week?score
  3. She tried to argue against my proposal, but I stuck to my GUNS.score
  4. The best way to deal with a bad day at work is just to GRIT your teeth and get on with it.score
  5. After missing so many classes, he'll find it hard to CATCH up with the other students.score
  6. You need to know your own MIND to succeed in this job. There's no room for self-doubt.
See you soon!!


Vocabulary - Work

Hello! Today I will write about - Vocabulary - The subject  is WORK.

So, let's go to the business.

CAREER - refers to the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes, e.g. a career in journalism. It can also refer to the period of your life that you spend working, e.g. He had a long career as a tennis player.

POST - (synonym position) is normally used when talking about having or applying for a specific job in a large organization.

PROFESSION - usually refers in a general sense to jobs that require special training or qualifications, e.g. the medical profession.

WAGES - the money paid weekly to do a job, whereas (Cambridge Dictionary) SALARY - the money that you are paid monthly or annually to do a job, especially professional employees.

BONUS - an extra amount of money that is added to your wages/salary as a reward, e.g. a productivity bonus.

PERKS - an advantage you get from a company or employer in addition to the money you earn, e.g. a company car. In formal English, e.g. in a job description, you can also use benefits as a synonym.

STAFF - all the workers employed in an organization considered as a group, e.g. Only company staff can use the canteen. It normally takes a plural verb.

EMPLOYEES - the workers seen as individuals. You may want to point out that employee can also be stressed, employee.

SKILLS - particular abilities required in a job, whereas QUALIFICATIONS usually refers to exams passed.

TRAINING - the process of learning the skills you need for a particular job.

HOURS - a fixed period of time during which people work, an office is open, etc., e.g. I work very long hours.

TIMETABLE - a plan of when things are supposed to happen (e.g. school timetable) or a bus/train is supposed to leave or arrive, e.g. There's a bus timetable on the wall.

That's it!! See you soon.