

I did the TOEIC exam a couple weeks ago. I have been studying English for almost 2 years and preparing myself to FCE Cambridge exam. TOEIC was the first "real" test that a did. I felt that I needed test myself, test my knowledge after all this time studying. Know my "level".

I was in Miami traveling with my wife, wondering how would be great if I could work and live abroad when I decided to send a message to my English teacher. I wrote "You need to find a job for me here"

He replied " hahahahaha" 
" Take TOEIC"
" The tests have arrived"
" Easy"

Seriously, when he told me this I freaked out, but at the same time everything became more clear. That dream could be coming true. I just needed to take the first step and the TOEIC could be one of it.

We had this conversation on August 27. Less than a month after, there was me, doing the TOEIC exam. It wasn't easy I need to confess, but when I've finished I was confident that I could reach a good result.

Last Wednesday, I received the result. I took 810 points of 990 possible. I'm classified as a C1 level. This is more than I was expecting, to be honest. I'm very, very happy. Now, I will put this achievement in my resume and keep studying to pass in the FCE exam. Meanwhile, I will start to look for job positions abroad related to my abilities. 

As I've already wrote here, if you want something, you need to chase it. I have a dream and I will become this dream in reality.

See you soon.

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