
A dark stormy night

It was a dark and stormy night and Steve was sitting on the porch of his house in San Francisco. There were no lights in the streets. The wind was blowing quietly and the only thing that he could hear was the rain hitting the leaves of the tree.

His wife was inside, sleeping. Steve was married to Janet for 3 years and they had been living in this neighborhood since then. They had no kids yet, but they were planning to have when Steve concluded his studies.

Steve was a handsome man. He was tall and had long blond hair. At the University, he was know as a loyal and friendly guy and was part of the athletic team. There were two things that Steve most liked to do, run and play guitar. At home, he was calm and a funny husband.

In that night, Steve didn't get sleep. Something was bothering him. So, he decided to go to the porch and play guitar looking the rain. Maybe, an inspiration could come as well as his sleep. This was the worst decision that he done in his whole life. His life was about to change forever.

When Steve stopped to play a song in his guitar, he took a long breath and looked to the rain, thinking about his life and all his plans with Janet. All of he could hear was the rain, but suddenly he heard a strange noise coming from the end of the street.

Steve's neighborhood was near Alamo Square, and his street ended there. It was a great place to live. On Sundays, Janet, Steve and their puppy Brad, a seven years old Yorkshire, went to Alamo Square Park to enjoy the beautiful view of the city. Sometimes they stayed there until the night looking the downtown's lights.

He got up from his old chair on the porch and looked out to the street. He barely could see the end of his street. He saw nothing. When he sat down, the noise came again. At this point Steve decided not to get up, he left his guitar aside and felt that something strange was happening. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to see something, but it was too dark and raining.

Remembering that he had a raincoat inside of his house, he decided to get in, wear it and go to the street. He needed to look what was happening out there. As soon as he went to the street the rain started to increase their strength. It was even more difficult to see something, but he kept walking toward to Alamo Square. Steve stopped at the crossroad and looked to everywhere. Nothing. There were nobody in the street. When he turned back to come to his house he heard terrible noise near him.....

To be continued.

See you!!

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