
10 Habits of successful people

I've read an article today on the website www.investopedia.com and I liked, so, I'm writing about it.

10 Habits of successful people.

Here are 10 of the most often cited habits:


Organization includes planning as well as setting priorities and goals. The tip is create an "To-Do-List" every evening before going to bed to prepare for the next day. This list is the third level (day by day) of the main plan. The second level will be done on Sunday (weekly plan). On Sunday you get ready for the rest of the week.


If you are organized, you have time in your schedule to meditated or simply staying away, avoiding distractions, just taking a breath. This time will prepare you to the efforts yet to come. Try to start just concentrating on your own breathing for three to five minutes.


It is important to organize, to plan and to set priorities, but without action, a plan is nothing more than potential. Rather than procrastinate your life, act!! Take the first step even if it seems outlandish.


You need to look good to yourself! For some people, personal care involves a complex regimen and a highly disciplined lifestyle. For others, no so much. You should find your internal balance. Love yourself.


It's one of the root causes of success. It's not the result of the success. Many people think that they only will be positive if they reach success. The thought is "I am grateful for everything which I have reached until now and I know that I can reach the next step on my plan."


Successful people know the value of exchanging ideas with others through networking. The key is know the importance of surrounding themselves with other successful people. 


Successful people avoid overspending. Instead they comparison-shop and negotiate, but we should not confuse frugality with stingy (giving or spending reluctantly). The technique is save more money than spend.


The more time one can devote to being successful, the more likely success will result. Successful people are accustomed to rising early, and that habit appears repeatedly among those who do well in life.


Maybe one of the most important topic. People who is successful know the value of sharing and most believe their success should result in something more than the accumulation of wealth for themselves. You can start just sharing your ideas or volunteering in your community or at a local school. It isn't cost anything less than your self effort.


Important people read. They read for pleasure or to create a habit, as a means to gain knowledge or insight.  J.K. Rowling says "Read as much as you possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading". This is another key point.

Most people have habits - some are positive, some are not. Successful people tend to have more of the kinds of habits that contribute to their success. The good news, for those who wish to be successful is that cultivating positive habits takes no more effort than developing bad ones.

See you!!

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