
#Unit 11 A - Writing an Essay


Write an article about the high payments in soccer in relation with another jobs. An opinion essay.
Write the article. Write four or five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - Write an introduction. You can adapt the introduction in the model article. Say if you agree or not.

Middle paragraphs - Giver your reasons. Begin the paragraphs with Firstly, Secondly, (Thirdly), and Finally.
Last paragraph - Write a conclusion (this should be a summary of what you write in the middle paragraphs).

Young Stars

In Brazil, a lot of soccer players receive high payments in their clubs. Sometimes, they are paid more than others professionals who have a high level of education and responsibilities. These football players reach this high level of payments, in most of the cases, when they are very young, as a normal professional of the market, reaches this payment after spending a lot of time working and studying. Is this fair?

For example, if you compare the payment of the last brazilian soccer star, Neymar, with the payment of a regular boy of the same age, you will realize the abyss between their realities. While Neymar, 22,  closes a contract with Barcelona soccer team for US$120 million per year, the brazilian boy probably will receive US$400 per month for a professional internship.

In my opinion, this is not fair and out of the reality. It’s necessary to find the balance between the gift and the intellectual knowledge, as occurs in the United States with the National Football League. There, all the players need to finish their graduation to act in the NFL, in balance with the development of their skills. All the sports league in the United States use this method like a way to increase the interest of the young people to the education and to the sports.

On the other hand, a lot of people in Brazil believe that the current format is correct. If one person has some kind of gift or special skills, this person is able to be instantly promoted to sports stars, no matter if this person doesn't know how to write his name properly. All that matters is the entertainment. Poor thinking.

Finally, I believe that in one country like Brazil, where the education levels are decreasing year by year, develop this method of work could be a way to make one national passion like soccer helps the young people to have a better future in their lives.

End of lesson.

See you.

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