

I was thinking about what some people consider to be a valuable things in life. For some, valuable things are a good car, a big house, a rich status, fancy clothes, all material things. In other hand, other people consider valuable things to have a good education, an intellectual network of friends, know other countries and learn about it's culture. In other words, learn something with the world and leave some contribution to it.

Honestly, I fit in the second case. I spent my last eighteen years driving in my city and I believed that I was a good driver, that I was improving as a driver. In October, my wife and I went to the USA to do a trip by the California. We rented a car in San Francisco and we drove until Los Angeles by the coast.

I have read a lot of things about the transit in the USA and the transit laws. I confess that when I took the car I was nervous, trying not do anything wrong. In the beginning I made some mistakes but in the end I was very good. In the USA the priority is the pedestrian, it has all the prerogatives, even if the result of this way is worsen to the transit of cars. It works! Everybody respects each other and know your limits, knows their rights and the right of the other fellow.

When I came back to my city, in Brazil, I started to look the transit with another eyes. I noticed that I did not drive so well as I imagined, and I saw other drivers doing some crazy moves which I hadn't noticed before. I believe that now I really improved myself as driver. Of course, I need to learn much more.

What I want to prove with this? Values! If I hadn't done this trip maybe I would not have learned a new way to drive. I could have spent the money which I spent on this trip with material things but certainly I wouldn't have learned this new culture, this new education. Today I'm better than yesterday and this is what matter. 

This way of life doesn't have price.

See you!!

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