
#Unit 11 A

Unit 11 A

Expressing movement - vocabulary bank.

- under (the bridge);
- along (the street);
- round/around (the lake);
- through (the tunnel);
- into (the shop);
- across (the road);
- over (the bridge);
- up (the steps);
- past (the church);
- towards (the lake);
- down (the steps);
- out of (the shop).

In(to) and out (of) - After a verb of movement we use either in/out or into/out of + place, e.g. Come in. Come into my office. He ran out. He ran out of the room.

Where did Snowy go?

- He went down the steps and ran across the road, and over the bridge. He arrived at shop and walked into the shop. He got the newspaper and ran out off the shop passing under the bridge and past the church. He past through the tunnel, walked towards the lake and around the lake. Finally he walked along the road and arrived at home up the steps.

Away, off, and back

We use away to express movement to another place, e.g. Go away! I don't want to speak to you. The man ran away when he saw the policeman.

We use back to express movement to the place where something or somebody was before, e.g. After dinner we went back to our hotel. Their dog ran away and never came back.

We use off to express movement down or away, e.g. Get off the bus at the railway station. The man ran off when he saw the policeman.

End of lesson!!

See you soon.

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