
#Three kinds of electors.

If we think seriously about the last survey to the President's election, we'll noted that exist actually three kinds of electors:

1) The electors who will support the actual President, because they need of the policy which has being used  so far to their survive. They need of the "bolsas" and a such numbers of subsidy to maintain their subsistence. These people, the most part, live in the north/northeast of the country and represent the majority of the electors. To these people the only thing that matter is the maintenance of his actual life condition, they don't care about other policies, like economic and financial.

2) Electors who are against the current president and prefer to vote for another candidate to vote for the current government. The only objective of these people is change the President, no matter who will occupy the chair of President. 

3) And finally the electors that answered the survey like blank and nulls. These people lost their confidence about the ways of the country. They lost their confidence in the politicians and all the corruption that involves them. They represent almost 20% of the total population of the country. This information is extremely worrying to our future.

I follow with the people who are in the item 3. I lost my confidence and I'm so tired  with this subject that I'm almost without energies to read or write about the directions of our country. I'll keep trying...

The only thing that I don't know yet, is if I'll vote blank/null or at the last hour I'll change my mind and support the guys of the item 2.

See You!!

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