

Arturo is a bear who lives at the Mendoza Zoo in deplorable conditions. He is 29 years old and his partner died in 2012. Now Arturo is alone in the Zoo. He was diagnosed with depression and his behavior is worrying. He comes supporting temperatures at 30ºc in the summer. If nothing change he will die, soon.

Has one Zoo in Canada called Assiniboine Park Zoo, which offers a better place to Arturo, with a natural environment, closest to the natural habitat of the bears. The managers of the Zoo in Mendoza said that he will not survive to the trip until the new Zoo. Looks like an excuse to keep him there.

Something needs to be done, and one ONG, called Change.org, is trying by a petition to the Argentina's President, Cristina Kirchner, the authorization to transfer Arturo to a better place. It's a shame that this is occurring.

So if you want to help Arturo signs this petition and maybe the President Cristina Kirchner by the exercise of your authority allows the Arturo's transfer. I've already signed. You don't need to pay nothing, unless if you want donate something around $5,00.

This is the link to the Change.org. We have almost 840.000 signatures, and we need 1 million of signatures to pressure the Government of Argentina.

Arturo's real pictures:


See you!!    :-((

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