

3:12 am. I am seated on the couch in the leaving room wondering about life.

Suddenly, something comes to my mind, an insight or some kind of slogan. My subconscious mind is burning now.


So simple but so complex. 
Some definitions from Cambridge dictionary to Independence:

  • the state of wanting or being able to do things FOR YOURSELF an make your own decisions, without help or influence from other people; 
  •  the ability to LIVE YOUR LIFE without being helped or influenced by other people;
  • FREEDOM from being governed or ruled... 

The complexity of the thing is that when you find your independence, you find your freedom and this process releases you from a lot of things and people that used to rule your life through your dependence on them.

More than ask yourself if you are ready for this freedom is to ask if all those dependent relationships are worthy right now.

Was this dependence relation what was keeping them alive?

Wow! Again, so simple but so complex. Maybe you are going to find answers to questions that shouldn't have been done!

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