

I work for a company which is constantly analyzing what  "market rivals" are doing. Day by day, my company tries to beat, to overcome its rivals. The funny thing is that they are always one step further than my company. Even if in some moment my company is the #1 position, it doesn't last too long. So, this makes me think about what is happening there. 

After watching one of Simon's Sinek speech, I finally had a glimpse of what would be the problem. Simon said something about the differences between the way that Apple and Microsoft run their businesses. While, one is looking forward, trying to "beat" themselves, trying to be constantly better and in consequence overlap the competitors, the other is always trying to beat the first one.

The aftermath is that while Apple is moving forward and most important, beating itself, Microsoft is in second place, always one step behind.

Bringing this allusion to my reality, the company where I work is doing exactly what Microsoft is doing. Both are working with their WHAT, their HOW, instead of their WHY.

Only when you know exactly WHY you do what you do every single day, you find WHAT an HOW you do what you do. 

In other words, only finding your purpose (WHY) you will be the first, but the first to yourself, not for someone else.

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