
Human life

If you think god enough, human life has all the odds to not occur. Nevertheless, we keep challenging the universe every time we breathe.  

Going deeper, the world as it is was not shaped to have us. But, we insist on thinking that we are the supremacist race in this gigantic collection of atoms made up of smaller particles like protons and neutrons.

Even with all this complexity we still think that the universe's purpose is to serve us. We should be humble as the water. Actually, water is far more important than us in this equivalence. At least it can live without us.

So, when you think that you are the center of the universe, re-think. You are not. Grab yourself to this weak line called life and respect how easy is to lose it.

Turning point

When you reach the end of the line. When you are on the edge of a cliff, there is no turning back. You got there. You are there. You feel the pain.

Its one fear that freezes your soul, you know that you made it and you have to decide. Be there for to rest of your life watching and re-watching all the mistakes that had taken you, or you jump the cliff.

Close your eyes and believe. Believe that there must be some kind of way outta there. All that confusion that was consuming your soul now is a relief.


Who is she?

It was in 2006 when a first met her. I was working for a company as a finance manager and my assistant resigned. The firm started a selective process for the position and one of the candidates was her.

My first thought about her was that she would be too young for the position. I needed someone well organized, disciplined and responsible. In the interview, I couldn't see any of these characteristics. She could be a headache for me.

However, the company's owner selected her. I told him that maybe this could be a mistake but he asked me the be a little patient and to coach her.

I had a pleasant surprise when she began to work. She was intelligent with a fast pace of learning new things and better, she was extremely responsible. All that I had to do was ask her for some work and a few minutes later it had been done. When she had some doubt about something, she was always open to learning and listening.

One of the things that I took from this experience was to never judge someone just by their age or lack of experience or something that could indicate some kind of prejudice.

I learned that our first thought must be always to believe in people, and bet that if we provide a little push, they can do whatever they wish.

PS: Who is she?