
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations - Chapter thirteen

As she had demanded in chapter 12, Joe goes with Pip meet Ms. Havisham. It's the first time, since the beginning of the book, that Pip starts mocking and diminishing Joe. So far, Joe was some kind of role model for him, his best friend, and someone that he could always consider. During all the chapter, Pip speaks about Joe's clothes, his manners, his life, and perspectives with disdain.

With Joe and Pip, Ms. Joe heads to the town. There, she stays at Mr. Pumblechook's house, awaiting they come back from the meeting.
Estella welcomes Joe and Pip at the gate and leads them to Ms. Havisham. All them, in the end, agree with the new function for Pip, apprenticeship.

Pip is worried about what Estella would be thinking about him and Joe. He seems ashamed of his family and his background. Joe and Pip leave Ms. Havisham's house and go back to Ms. Joe.
Arriving there, Pip shows your deeply bad feelings about Mr. Pumblechook and his actions. Also, Pip is surly and angry, keenly disappointed by this turn in his life.

"Finally, I remember that when I got into my little bedroom I was truly wretched, and had a strong conviction on me that I should never like Joe’s trade. I had liked it once, but once was not now"

See you on chapter fourteen.

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