
What I learned from running.

I have never been an athlete until the end of 2014 when my wife invited me to go the gym. Go to the gym was one of her plans to start 2015 in shape. My first thought was 'what?', but as I am married to her and I have the principle to 'never leave one soldier behind", I said - 'yes, let's do this'. 

I ran 1 kilometer that day. It was like I had run a marathon, (at least, that was what I imagined), but I felt something good inside on me. I kept going to run with her in the days and weeks following. She was my coach. I improved my running from 1k to 2k, and then 3k, and 4k. Today, almost 3 years later, I am training four times a week to run my first half marathon (21k) in November. 

What did I learn from running? To be mentally strong, to never give up, to be disciplined and most important, believe that everything that I target in my life I am capable of accomplishing. Why? This journey from 1k to 21k (November) wasn't always easy. I had moments when I thought - 'Why am I doing this?', 'I think that I can't finish it', 'I will stop it ', 'I can't do this anymore'. All at once, I always found energy out of nowhere to finish the training. 

Today, in any area of my life, when I see myself in a difficult situation, I remember all my practices and suddenly an inner voice starts to say for me - ' You can accomplish whatever you want!'.
I have to say thank you to my wife who always gave me support and was responsible for the beginning of this journey. 

My childhood friend Alexandre and I, after running Half marathon of Florianópolis in 2016. He ran 21k and I ran 10K. Thank you my friend.
See you all and success. 

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