
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens - Chapter six

Basically, chapter 6 is a narrative about Pip's regrets. He has a strong and lovely bond with Joe. 
"...I loved Joe - perhaps for no better reason in those early days than because the dear fellow let me love him..." 
Pip is broken for not be capable to tell Joe, the truth about what had happened in the pantry.
What keeps Pip from telling the truth is the fear of losing Joe's confidence.

"I ought to tell Joe the whole truth. Yet I did not, and for the reason that I mistrusted that if I did, he would think me worse than I was. The fear of losing Joe’s confidence,and of thenceforth sitting in the chimney-corner at night staring drearily at my for ever lost companion and friend, tied up my tongue"

See you on Chapter seven.


Great Expectations - Charles Dickens - Chapter five

The sergeant comes into the kitchen with Pip. One hand holding handcuffs and the other on Pip's shoulder. He wishes for Mr Joe services, to fix the handcuffs. They aren't working properly.
Joe says that he can fix the problem, but it will take two long hours and a few preparations. The soldiers help Mr Joe with all arrangements and he starts the job.
Pip is twice relieved. The presence of the soldiers there, made Mrs Joe forget about the pie, and he thought that the handcuffs would be for him.

Mr Wopsle asks the sergeant what is the purpose of the excursion. He answers that they are looking for two convicts that escaped from the hulls. Pip is worried about. He is sure that the two convicts are the same that he had encountered one day before.
Joe's job has done,  and he invites some of the members of the dinner to go with the soldiers and look for the fugitives. Mr Pumblechook and Mr Hubble declined. Mr Wopsle says that he would go. Joe asks Mrs Joe whether Pip would go or not. She approves but says "If you bring the boy back with his head blown to bits by a musket, don’t look to me to put it together again." Here again, Dickens has made masterly use of good humour.

After receiving orders from the sergeant to keep in the rear, and speak no word after reached the marshes, Mr Wopsle, Joe and Pip leave the house. When they arrive at the same place that Pip was a few hours ago, Pip starts to think that maybe the convicts could think that he is responsible for the chase. Walking through the marshes they come to the old Battery, there the soldiers stopped. It seems that they found someone."Here are both men!’ panted the sergeant, struggling at the bottom of a ditch. ‘Surrender, you two! and confound you for two wild beasts! Come asunder!’ It's the Pip's convicts."

After being handcuffed, both convicts start to blame each other. One saying that he was the victim of attempted murder and another denying the accusation, saying that he was only trying to return the convict to the hulls, therefore helping the authorities. "The other one still gasped, 'He tried - he tried - to murder me. Bear - bear witness.’
‘Lookee here!’ said my convict to the sergeant. ‘Singlehanded I got clear of the prison-ship; I made a dash and I done it."
After a long walk, they returned to the prison ship. There the convicts were locked again.

See you on Chapter six.


Unit 4 - Writing - Essay


Low-cost airlines have revolutionized travel - but at what price?

- Allowed more people to flight;
- Improved the economy system of cities and countries.

- Quality of the service has decreased;
- Overbooking;
- You have to pay for everything but the flight.

More than before, we've seen plenty of traditional airlines companies changing their business and offering low-cost flights. Over and above, dozens of new airlines companies around the world, have been created with this purpose. This shift is changing the way people are currently using the system. It's clear to all of us that low-cost companies have revolutionized travel - but at what price?

The highest contribution of the low-cost airlines is to allow access to a wide range of passengers, something never seen before. Right now, more and more people can travel by plane, mainly because they can afford the cost of the airline tickets.
In addition, these flights have been improving the economy system of cities and countries. The more people travel, the more people spend money buying things and increasing the local markets. It's money in movement.

On the other hand, however, to keep the low price of tickets the airline companies have been decreasing their quality of service. One good example is the overbooking. The premise of low-cost airline companies is to have full of the seats occupied. So, in order to get this, plenty of times the passengers have to face overbooking. Finally, besides the low price of the tickets, the passengers have to pay for everything that is not included in the ticket regulation. For example, passengers have to pay for on boards meals, size and weight of checked bags, change of flights, etc. Frequently, the final price paid for the tickets is almost the same given for other companies including everything mentioned and other advantages for the passenger.

To sum up, although low-cost airlines had given access to millions of passengers around the world, who had even thought about flying before, the quality of service delivered is below the acceptable in most of the time. Thus, I believe that the price paid for travel with low-cost airline companies could be high in the end.

See you!!