
Keys to Power - Law 31

Words like "freedom," "options," and "choice" evoke a power of possibility far beyond the reality of the benefits they entail ( to make something necessary, or to involve something ). When examined closely, the choices we have - in the marketplace, in elections, in our jobs - tend to have noticed limitations: They are often a matter of a choice simply between A and B, with the rest of the alphabet out of the picture. Yet as long as the faintest mirage of choice flickers on, we rarely focus on the missing options. We "choose" to believe that the game is far, and that we have our freedom. We prefer not to think too much about the depth or our liberty to choose.

This unwillingness ( The quality or state of being unwilling to do something; reluctance ) to probe the smallness of our choices stems from the fact that too much freedom creates a kind of anxiety. The phrase "unlimited options" sounds infinitely promising, but unlimited options would actually paralyze us and cloud our ability to choose. Our limited range of choices comfort us.


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