
CAE - Exercicies - Collocations 2

Multiple Choice Cloze

Collocations 2

Complete each of the following sentences by choosing either A, B, C or D.

1) During the discussion, the speaker showed an excellent....... of all the issues.
A Knowledge
B Grasp 
C Comprehension
D Skill

Grasp - Comprehend fully:
‘the press failed to grasp the significance of what had happened’
2) It is widely....... that computer can make our lives easier.
A Accepted
B Agreed
C Allowed
D Affirmed

Accept - Believe or come to recognize (a proposition) as valid or correct:
‘this tentative explanation came to be accepted by the men’
[with clause] ‘it is accepted that ageing is a continuous process’
3) Those cupboards are looking a bit scruffy. They could do with a fresh....... of paint.
A Layer
B Cover
C Coat
D Film

Coat - A single application of paint or similar material on a surface:
‘apply a final top coat of varnish’
4) He may not look suspect to you but he is in fact a....... dangerous criminal.
A Totally
B Highly
C Strongly
D Largely

Highly - At or to a high degree or level:
[as submodifier] ‘a highly dangerous substance’
‘highly paid people’
5) My teacher is great. I have a very high........ of him.
A Opinion
B Regard
C Thought
D Respect

Opinion - An estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something:
‘I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved’
6) She is a gifted linguist and is able to....... easily from English to French.
A Convert
B Revert
C Move
D Switch
Switch - Substitute (two items) for each other; exchange:
‘after ten minutes, listener and speaker switch roles’
7) You paid 30 euros for the jacket? That was a real........
A Deal
B Bargain
C Value
D Buy

Bargain - A thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected:
‘the table was a real bargain’
[as modifier] ‘a bargain price of 99p’
See you!!!!

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