
Review of strategies

Reviewing the strategies - 6 years - 20 days until the deadline.

1 - Never outshine the master - done;
2 - Never put too much trust in friends - I have no friends here. Ok, only one (F);
3 - Conceal your intentions - there wasn't oportunities;
4 - Always say less than necessary - I had good and bad moments. It's a point that I need to improve;
5 - So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life - my specialty, one of the best observations of the law;
6 - Court attention at all cost - nope, maybe mixed with law 18. It needs improvement;
7 - Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit - done;
8 - Make other people come to you - use bait if necessary - done;
9 - Win through your actions, never through argument - I believe in a mix of things, action x argument. You always need to have a good argument. Think fast;
10 - Infection: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky - done;
11 - Learn to keep people dependent on you - it's something that I need to develop a little more, because there is a problem. You need to select the right person to be dependent on you;
12 - Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim - done;
13 - When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest, never to their mercy or gratitude - done;
14 - Pose as a friend, work as a spy - not anymore. I'm in the front right now, battling. Maybe further;
15 - Crush your enemy totally - I almost was caught by the non observance of this law, but thank good i have opened my eyes and removed "the barrier" who (not which) was on my path (G);
16 - Use absence to increase respect and honor - when (G) get out definitely I will get up and stay out of the spotlight;
17 - Keep others in suspended terror: Cultivate an air of unpredictability - I'm a master of observing this law;
18 - Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous - I need to develop this skill, I stayed to much time isolated. I'am trying to revert this point;
19 - Know who you're dealing with-do not offend the wrong person - done;
20 - Do not commit to anyone - done;
21 - Play a sucker to catch a sucker-seem dumber than your mark - master;
22 - Use the surrender tactic: Transform weakness into power - new strategy, I'm waiting the opportunity to use;
23 - Concentrate your forces - Yep, I'm concentrating my force in (MM), He is the boss;
24 - Play the perfect courtier - I don't know if I have guts to do this, but let's wait the opportunity.

Twenty days and counting.....

What I'm sending to The Universe? That something very, very, but very good will happen with me, sooner!!

See you!!

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