
The Legacy of Brazilian World Cup

A lot of people ask himself if the Brazil World Cup will leave some kind of legacy to the people of Brazil or to the rest of the world.

I think that yes, but a bad legacy. 

The brazilian image to the world is samba, carnaval and mulatas. With the World Cup we will show another image to the people who come to Brazil. We'll show an image which the people maybe had listened but didn't want to believe.

We'll show the unpreparedness of our public administration who can't finish public projects like airports, metro, streets, public transports, health care, social care, public security. We'll show the TRUE BRAZIL to the world.

For Brazilians, will remain the feeling that the years passed and the story is always written the same way. They will have the certainty, once again, that their interests always comes after the interests of the rotten ruling political elite.

I heard a radio program on BBC in this week, and the journalist shows an interview with the Development Minister of Brasil in 1950, when the World Cup was disputed for the first time in Brasil. I can barely believe, but passed sixty four years the speech of the Sports Minister today is the same. Literaly the same speech:  ".....the priority now, to the nation isn't hospital or something else, the priority is build stadiums....."

You can heard the program in this link BBC - The History of Brazil is Round

So, if  the World Cup will really happen , this your legacy and who as said Maria Betania " ..... Brasil, show your face...."

#NaoVaiTerCopa  #IssoeBrasil

See You!!

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