
Education - Wrong Strategy

I was thinking about the education system in Brasil, and I reached a conclusion. The government is using a wrong strategy by years. The strategy is build schools and no "build" teachers.

In my opinion we need to invest on creating new teachers and on development of the current teachers. The government builds schools but doesn't has teachers to work, and if it has, the teachers doesn't have motivation to teach the students.

It's only a bad spend of a public money, because the construction of a school shows more than build a whole process to support the teachers. We need to invert the process. The process needs to start from the teachers to the schools.

The career of teacher should be a dream for each children in the school.We need to show for them that be a teacher in our country is dignified and profitable. The teaching career needs to be as the medical profession, an engineer, a lawyer, because without a teacher we will never have this kind of professionals.

I expect that sometime, someone can change this model and we can invert the game. I expect that sometime we could have a educated nation with people who have a critical thinking about things and can lead themselves and the destiny's of your country.

See You!!

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