
# thoughts

 It looks like the pattern repeats itself. It's sad. You rather want to see half-empty glass than all of his qualities, which are many and wonderful. Why are you not capable of living lightly? 

" That wasn't good or bad, it just happened, it just is " - Zen Habits.

Try to change your perspective about life. Life is short! 

" Think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting " - Zen Habits.

He is just a kid, he is learning as everybody once learned. You should just let him live his life freely, without any interventions. 

Just think about this.


Questions for you

What are you avoiding just because the desired outcome would take longer than you'd like?


# thoughts

" Effort input doesn't yield output " - Jack Conte

# thoughts

" ... a sense of gratitude for the things that are actually working well in our lives despite the things that aren't." - Brian Simmons


# 2020 lockdown photo series

Lockdown day #1 @buzzlightyear1977  (March 19)

# thoughts

I was just thinking about how learning a second language (English) has changed my life. It's not that I am a "better" person today than I was years before. I am the same person but with a different perspective on life. There is no more only one way to see and understand the world around me.


# thoughts

Theo is my highest priority,

   " give your heart then change your mind
       you're allowed to do it
         'cause God knows it's been done to you
           and somehow you got through it "

             John Mayer - Age of Worry

Love you Theo with all my heart.



# thoughts

Waking up early is a high-impact habit that significantly amplifies things that matter in my life.