
You blame everything and everyone when in fact the problem is you

How can you live like this? Always wondering! Flirting with discontentment. Should you really have been thinking about this? I am talking about your job. I am going to say something. You have a good paycheck, some perks, flexible timesheet (but you have to work on Saturdays), you have set your boundaries, you have found professional stability (regardless of the fact that you are always trying to forecast something), you know everybody and they nourish some sort of respect to you, you have full access to managers, directors, and even the presidency. All these details could be enough to make you fulfilled at work. Instead, you don't feel part of the family. You are not on the same page. Why?

The truth lies deep inside you. You have been pretending, building an image of importance to the system but actually, you know that you are not doing anything that people imagine that you were supposed to be doing. It's another dimension, a distortion of reality created by you. Congratulations! You made it. You are the impostor's syndrome personification.

 The truth lies deep inside you.

There is a resistance rooted in your mind like a rat race. That's the cheese, keep running, but not only running, you have to pose that you are not like all other rats. You are a champion! The best part of this history is that the cage's door is opened. Actually, there is not even a physical cage, you can come and go whenever you want. It's a virtual cage imagined by you. However, you insist on staying there, waiting for that easy piece of cheese.

You blame everything and everyone when in fact the problem is you. You are not bold enough to take action. Where does all this laziness come from? Or is it all about fear? I think that I have more questions than answers. Working has always been part of our history as well as how much space this subject is allowed to remain in our minds. Which means that if you don't give much space for working in your mind, you might be working just by the paycheck. It's what really matters. You don't expect much personal fulfillment. The only thing that you want is to be capable of paying your bills and providing a good life quality for your family.

You blame everything and everyone when in fact the problem is you. 

On the other hand, if you expect more than paying bills you must find a way to change your life's narrative. Start writing your goals, defining your expectations, revising your actions (what is working, what is not working, what have never worked). Visualize everything and yep, guess what? Keep working to providing the means to support this changing. My final words are not so encouraging. I don't know whether it will work or not! At least you will find a purpose to wake up every single morning and commuting to work. You will find why you do what you do.

"So line on up, and take your place, and show your face to the morning..." John Mayer

See you all!!