
FCE Essay #1

This essay is part of my preparation to attend to the FCE Cambridge.

Around the world, people are living and staying healthy for longer and longer. What changes does this bring to today’s society? Are these changes good or bad?

-    Need for more jobs opportunities;
-    Society can enjoy the knowledge of these older and wiser people;
-    It’s a cheap source of labour.

These changes are good, of course.

Nowadays, we can see more people living longer and longer as a result of their life quality improvement. They eat better and healthier, do exercises regularly, and keep their minds busy. But, are these changes good or bad for society?

There are those who say no, this is not good for the society because if this person wants to keep working, he or she may take a position which was meant for a young person. A young person who never worked. In other words, we have to create more positions in the labor market to support all these people.

On the other hand, there are those who think differently, saying that the society has a lot of things to learn with these older and wiser people. As it is widely known, they are a cheap source of labour, so why not have them working in schools, libraries, and so on? Definitely, it is something to discuss.

To sum up, I believe in the benefits of this changes to society. The main point is to find the right place and purpose for everyone. All human beings have something good to delivery to society, no matter how old they are regardless of their age. We, as a society have to find a way to live in balance among us.


F1 - Why ?

Why am I keep watching F1 races?

Alonso is not wining races anymore and there is no chance that he will start to win races soon. Mclaren is not capable to deliver a champ car to him. His third championship is far from happen in 2016.

Another thing that disturbs me is Galvao Bueno narration. I can't stand him anymore. He is boring and does a lot of unfounded comments about the race and the drivers. It seems that he stopped in time, he forgot to improve his knowledge. The word that best describes him, in my opinion, is snobbish. He should go home!

On the other hand, I'm passionate by races. I could watch any kind of races at any time, even the replays. Races are something which I grow up with. It's been part of my life since my childhood. I remember when my dad and I used to watch races on Sundays. He also used to make some barbecues while the race went on. It was good times.

Finally, I know that against all the odds I can't stop to watch F1 races. I will keep cheering for Alonso and praying to see him world champion again. Maybe with the changes proposed by FIA to 2017 the championship will be better, with more emotion, and I will be there again, watching races.